Flossing is important for our teeth and for our general health. Because of all the food we eat, if we do not floss, tiny particles of dead food get stuck between our teeth. Once they are stuck, they almost immediately start to rot. Rotting food produces bacteria. The bacteria produce acid and the acid eats away the enamel on our teeth. The bacteria also produces plaque, if not removed can emanate a bad smell or bad breath. Brushing alone cannot clean all around a tooth when there is another tooth right next to it. Flossing completes tooth brushing by removing plaque and foods remaining in between two teeth where tooth decay often starts.
Dental work should be included in our health system. First, tooth decay results in a cavity or dental caries. It occurs when bacteria in the mouth make acids that eat away tooth. Cavities that go untreated can result in an infected tooth. Infections that go untreated can result in the patient losing a tooth. Some infections may spread into the immune system and become life threatening. Some patients may also suffer jaw-bone damage, neighboring tooth damage, sinus problems or a brain abscess. If dental works are free we can prevent dental caries to become severe.
Second, gum infection can also lead to other serious health problems. It doubles the risk of stroke, triples the risk of heart attack, increases the incidence of premature, low-weight babies, and also contributes to bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema. The bloodstream links organisms in the mouth to the rest of the body. Bacteria from the mouth flood into the circulatory system and travel to other parts of the body, causing a widespread inflammatory response. Bacteria originating from the gums to the veins and arteries cause plaque buildup and arterial inflammation that can provoke jeopardous clotting.
Third, halitosis is a medical term that refers to bad breath. Halitosis or bad breath is generally caused by sulfur-producing bacteria that normally occur in the mouth on the surface of the tongue, teeth, gums, and in the throat. The medical condition dry mouth also called xerostomia is also known to cause bad breath. Most common reason for a dry mouth are the side effects of some medications, salivary gland problems, or continuous breathing through the mouth which may mean there are sinus problems. Having a bad breath does not only affect you physically but also emotionally. It destroys relationships with your family and friends because they try to limit conversations with you to get rid of the bad smell once you begin talking. It also lessens the chances for job opportunities since some companies find you a threat of decreasing the probability of acquiring several clients. With this, your self-esteem and self-confidence is decreased. You are frustrated of yourself and gradually feel the sense of worthlessness.
Fourth, when teeth are cracked or broken it is painful to eat. You will have difficulty to chew the food properly. This will lead to digestion problems. Biting into some foods, such as fresh vegetables, may be quite very painful. Malnutrition will result from the inability to eat properly. Good nutrition is important to help build strong teeth and gums that can resist disease and promotes healing.
Everyone can benefit from having dental as part of health care system. Even if you are healthy, you never know what the future holds. If you need dental care, you simply can’t predict how high these costs will be and dental care costs are steadily rising. If dental works will be a part of our health system, everyone can get it free. Healthy gums, teeth and breath will prevent chronic immune reactions related to heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses. A good set of teeth is much more than just a pretty smile, it will increase self steem and self confidence.
The health of our teeth and mouth are linked to overall health and well-being in a number of ways. The ability to chew and swallow our food is essential for obtaining the nutrients we need for good health. Lastly, one of our biggest assets is our smiles. When we smile, we make others around us feel at ease. As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. If you have good oral hygiene you can smile or laugh out loud with confidence. Humor and laughter strengthen the immune system, boost energy, diminish pain, and protect us from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.
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