There are so many things that should be done to aid new immigrants to help them settle in Manitoba. First and foremost is to go to Service Canada to get Social Insurance Number (SIN) on any designated area nearest you. Second, is to go to Manitoba Health Insurance to get the Manitoba Health Card at 300 Carlton Street. Third, enroll to Entry Program at Unit 400 - 259 Portage Avenue to know everything about Canada like housing, banking, education, employment, child care, government and taxes. Lastly, to know more about settlement in Manitoba you can also visit Immigration Center at 100 Adelaide Street.
You can easily adapt to any culture by respecting them because every nation has a different culture to know and understand by everyone. You can simply adapt to weather by wearing proper clothes especially winter time, you have to wear sweaters, jacket, gloves, toques, scarves and boots.
Everyone needs help to get around when they go to a new country. It is a good thing that we have services in Canada to help immigrants to get around their new invironments.
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ReplyDeleteI also attended a to a "new entry program" and it really helps me a lot in terms of the where and how here in winnipeg. But I think it can really help the new immigrants ifthe government will put a seminar for the one who are nominating the immigrant. I feel if they(the petitioner) don't have any idea on what the immigrant need to do, so how can they help them.
ReplyDeleteby: Roxan Cortez
I am really agree with the first moves to simply and easily adapt in settling to Manitoba.We also did that thing when we first landed here and it help us a lot.We are so blessed to have a kind of government like here in Canada.
ReplyDeletebernice crystel bare porlet